Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS finally provides a stable long term support server distro that has a recent version of Varnish in its repositories.
Trouble is, the repository provided package of Varnish has some issues. Specifically, the command line tools, such as varnishhist, varnishstat, ...etc. do not report anything. Therefore one cannot know the hit/miss rates, hits per second, or other useful information. Moreover, monitoring Varnish using Munin for such statistics does not work either.
There are two ways you can overcome this, both are described below.
Use the Varnish provided packages from their repository
The Varnish project provides an Ubuntu repository that contains Ubuntu packages. This is the recommended way, because you get updates for security if and when they come out. As well, you will get startup scripts installed and configured automatically, instead of having to create them from scratch, as in the second option.
First, install curl, if it is not already installed on your server:
# aptitude install curl
Then, add the repository key to your server:
# curl http://repo.varnish-cache.org/debian/GPG-key.txt | sudo apt-key add -
And then add the repository itself.
# echo "deb http://repo.varnish-cache.org/ubuntu/ lucid varnish-3.0" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/varnish.list
Now, update the list of packages from the new repository:
# aptitude update
And then install Varnish
# aptitude install varnish
Configuring Varnish listening port and memory
Then, you need to configure Varnish to front end your web server, so that it runs on port 80 (regular HTTP traffic) and 443 (SSL secure traffic, if your site uses it).
Also, increase, or decrease the amount of memory allocated to Varnish if your server has memory to spare.
We also change the name of the .vcl file, so when upgrading, Ubuntu will not ask about two files changed, and rather one file only (/etc/default/varnish).
So, go ahead and edit the /etc/default/varnish file, and this to the end, if you have a small server (e.g. 1G RAM).
DAEMON_OPTS="-a :80,:443 \ -T localhost:6082 \ -f /etc/varnish/main.vcl \ -S /etc/varnish/secret \ -s malloc,128m"
If you have a larger server, e.g. 8GB, you would allocate 2G of RAM for varnish.
DAEMON_OPTS="-a :80,:443 \ -T localhost:6082 \ -f /etc/varnish/main.vcl \ -S /etc/varnish/secret \ -s malloc,2048m"
Then restart Varnish:
service varnish restart
In an upcoming article, we will discuss the details of configuring Varnish's VCL.
Compiling from source
The second option is to download the source code, and compile it yourself.
This means that you are responsible for upgrading if there is a security fix.
You first need to install the C compiler, and some other libraries like curses development, PCRE, as well as the make utility.
You do this via the command:
# aptitude install libncurses5-dev libpcre3-dev pkg-config make
Which will pull the C compiler if it is not already installed.
Then, download the source:
# wget http://repo.varnish-cache.org/source/varnish-3.0.3.tar.gz
Extract the source from the archive
# tar xzf varnish-3.0.3.tar.gz
Change the directory to what you just extracted
# cd varnish-3.0.3
Run the configure tool. Make sure there are no errors.
# ./configure
Build the binaries
# make
And install the source.
# make install
Varnish will be installed in /usr/local.
You will need to create start scripts for Varnish.
You should use a different name other than what would have been installed by the repository packages, so that it would not clash with the same file names, e.g. /etc/default/varnish-local. This would hold the DAEMON_OPTS mentioned above. You also need to create an /etc/init.d/varnish-local script for startup. I then use the following command to make Varnish run at run level 2.
update-rc.d varnish-local start 80 2 .
Monitoring Varnish with Munin
We assume that you have Munin installed and configured and is already monitoring other things on your server.
We need to install a perl library that will be able to pull the statistics info from Varnish
aptitude install libnet-telnet-perl
Then, we need get the monitoring scripts
cd /usr/share/munin/plugins/ git clone git://github.com/basiszwo/munin-varnish.git chmod a+x ./munin-varnish/varnish_*
Then create symbolic links for the monitoring scripts.
cd /etc/munin/plugins ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/munin-varnish/varnish_allocated ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/munin-varnish/varnish_cachehitratio ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/munin-varnish/varnish_hitrate ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/munin-varnish/varnish_total_objects
Then edit the file /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node, and add the following to the end.
[varnish*] user root
And restart Munin for the changes to take effect.
service munin-node restart
Configuring Varnish for Drupal
As mentioned above, in an upcoming article, we will discuss the details of configuring varnish for Drupal.
Visitor (not verified)
Do you still plan on
Mon, 2013/10/21 - 11:43Do you still plan on publishing that article mentioned at the end of the article?
" Configuring Varnish for Drupal
As mentioned above, in an upcoming article, we will discuss the details of configuring varnish for Drupal. "
Thank You for sharing these articles!
Yes, eventually ...
Mon, 2013/10/21 - 11:45Yes, we plan to eventually complete an article on Varnish configuration for Drupal, when we have the time to do so.
blue928 (not verified)
Configure Varnish?
Mon, 2014/09/29 - 20:13Hello, just checking in on this since last year. I searched the site but couldn't really find an article dedicated to configuring varnish. Is that something you still plan to write? Please provide a link to the article if I missed it. This was great info! Thanks!
Not yet ...
Tue, 2014/09/30 - 09:25This has been on our list for a long time. We still did not get around to actually doing it.
Visitor (not verified)
Is this just for hosting a
Wed, 2014/09/10 - 01:41Is this just for hosting a website? OR can it be used to cache all pages users are browsing. I.e users inside a LAN browsing out to the WWW?
Also can it pre-fetch? I.e. every hour get the pages users have visited on facebook, youtube, (or whatever changes regularly) and update the cache with the newly added posts or videos.
Varnish is just for hosting
Wed, 2014/09/10 - 09:26Varnish is just for hosting a site (reverse proxy).
But if you want a proxy to cache web sites for users on a LAN, then you need a "caching proxy".
For example the Squid Caching Proxy does what you need.
Note that caching of logged in sessions and SSL traffic (HTTPS) is not possible, and therefore caching for web sites using these will not work.