In a previous article, I stressed a common problem with all PHP op-code caches/accelerators: they die with segmentation faults every once in a while.
To get around this problem, here is a script that would restart Apache when a segmentation fault is detected.
This script was written by Firebright Inc., with a few modifications, such as sending an email notice.
Here is the logwatcher.php script:
// path to apache log file
define("DEFAULT_APACHE_LOG_PATH", "/var/log/apache2/error.log");
// command to use to restart apache
define("DEFAULT_APACHE_RESTART_COMMAND", "/etc/init.d/apache2 restart");
// defines the polling interval (in seconds)
// defines the format for date outputted in log entries (RFC 2228 format date)
define("DATE_FORMAT", "[r]");
// where to log watcher status
define("LOG_OUTPUT_FILENAME", "/var/log/logwatcher.log");
// conditions to test for (action is top level array element key)
$array_action_checks = Array();
$array_action_checks['restart'] = Array('exit signal Segmentation fault');
// list of commands mapped to actions
$array_action_commands = Array('restart' => DEFAULT_APACHE_RESTART_COMMAND);
$last_position = 0;
// main loop
if ($argc != 2) {
log_message("Called with incorrect number of arguments");
echo "Usage: php logwatcher.php\n";
else {
$email = $argv[1];
log_message("logwatcher started");
while (true) {
$last_position = check_file($last_position);
function check_file($last_position) {
$fp = @fopen($file_name, "r");
if ($fp == null) {
die("unable to open file at $file_name\n");
if ($last_position == 0) {
// first time through the file for this instance.. Skip to EOF
fseek($fp, 0, SEEK_END);
} else {
// seek to last known position to skip past already handled log entries
fseek($fp, $last_position, SEEK_SET);
// check for patterns on current line
$action_taken = false;
while (($line = fgets($fp, 4096)) != null) {
$action = check_line($line);
if ($action != "") {
// TODO: log that action is taken
// take action only once for a given seek, otherwise seek silently to EOF
if (!$action_taken) {
log_message("Apache APC/eAccelerator caused a segmentation fault.");
log_message("Executing: " . get_action_command($action));
log_message("Executed: " . get_action_command($action));
log_message("Email notification sent");
$action_taken = true;
// record end of file position for next pass through
$last_position = ftell($fp);
// close the file pointer
return $last_position;
function log_message($message) {
error_log(date(DATE_FORMAT) . " " . $message . "\n", 3, LOG_OUTPUT_FILENAME);
function check_line($line) {
global $array_action_checks;
// walk through each action
foreach ($array_action_checks as $action => $array_checks) {
foreach ($array_checks as $check) {
// walk through each check and see if it matches the current line
if (preg_match("/" . $check . "/", $line)) {
return $action;
return "";
function get_action_command($action) {
global $array_action_commands;
$command = @$array_action_commands[$action];
if ($command == null) {
log_message("Could not retrieve command for action: $action");
return "";
return $command;
function email_notify() {
$body = "The server has encountered an APC/eAccelerator segmentation fault error.
Apache has been automatically restarted.
The log file " . LOG_OUTPUT_FILENAME . " should have the exact time and number
that this happened.";
mail($email, 'Apache has been restarted', $body);
And here is the shell script that is used to start it. Change the email addresses to fit your needs.
# If there is an old process, kill it
kill `cat $PID_FILE`
# Make sure the file is clean
rm -f $PID_FILE
nohup php $SCRIPT $EMAIL> /dev/null &
echo $PID > $PID_FILE
Now, all you need to do is edit your /etc/rc.local, and add a line to call the script upon booting.
Visitor (not verified)
Sun, 2007/03/18 - 04:03Good article. Often however the semaphores are locked. The only way to free them is by doing something like
ipcs -s | grep apache | perl -e 'while () { @a=split(/\s+/); print `ipcrm sem $a[1]`}'
A restart resets the sems
Sun, 2007/03/18 - 21:56Shouldn't a apache restart reset the semaphores altogether?
Also, in your script, the grep apache part is distro dependent. On Ubuntu, it is www-data not apache.
2bits -- Drupal and Backdrop CMS consulting
Visitor (not verified)
logwatcher not restarting after a few days
Tue, 2009/11/03 - 15:17Hi there,
Appreciate this fine scrip. It's working fine but on some of my webservers the script suddently dosent restart apache. The script is running but not restarting apache. If I kill the script and launch it again apache is restartet as it should. What could be wrong? how do i debug what the script is doing? (or not)
Kind regards,
Visitor (not verified)
Great article
Mon, 2007/04/16 - 09:53Thank you for notifying me about logwatcher.php. I had created a slightly different solution using bash scripting to figure out if seg faults were occurring due to APC. As an additional solution for users using APC, I found that clearing the cache also works so I created a script that basically calls apc_clear_cache) which generally resulted in minimal downtime.
I'm considering taking advantage of the way logwatcher works with what can be done via apc to get the best of both worlds (my script to figure out the errors could be better ^_^)
Downtime is inevitable
Mon, 2007/04/16 - 09:58The logwatcher works the way it is with any op-code cache (APC and eAccelerator at least).
I am thinking of modifying it so that it detects the op-code cache type, and call the cache clear function (like you do with APC).
For example:
However, the downtime is inescapable, unless we keep reading the logs every second or 5 seconds, which is excessive.
You may want to share the code here, or a link to it when it is done.
2bits -- Drupal and Backdrop CMS consulting
Visitor (not verified)
You are absolutely right.
Mon, 2007/04/16 - 16:44You have a perfectly valid point that the downtime is inescapable for any of the sites on the server that may take advantage of the op-code cache. The main advantage I saw to clearing the cache was that you didn't necessarily have to bring the server down for a restart (thus any other sites that don't rely on the op-code cache would not be affected).
Also you have a valid point when you say the logwatcher doesn't have to depend on anything else based on the way it is.
Regardless, once I have what I need working with the logwatcher, I'll post it up for you :D
Visitor (not verified)
A small bug
Sat, 2007/08/11 - 02:32logwatcher.php doesn't actually send out any emails because $email is only a locally scoped variable in email_notify(). We need to either pass in $email as a parameter or, more easily, declare $email as a global in email_notify().
Other than that, the script works well. Thanks!
Visitor (not verified)
Please can you show how you
Sun, 2007/09/16 - 06:29Please can you show how you solved this email-problem?
Also when a segmentation fault happens Apache is not restartet at all although the logwatcher.log says so.
Visitor (not verified)
Solving email not sending
Mon, 2007/12/10 - 15:47I believe to solve the email not sending you need to add $email as a global in the email_notify function of logwatcher.php.
Thus the full (corrected) function would look like this:
function email_notify() {
global $email;
$body = "The server has encountered an APC/eAccelerator segmentation fault error.
Apache has been automatically restarted.
The log file " . LOG_OUTPUT_FILENAME . " should have the exact time and number
that this happened.";
mail($email, 'Apache has been restarted', $body);
Visitor (not verified)
debian init script
Thu, 2007/08/23 - 17:43Thanks for this article, Khalid- I've finally had occasion to put logwatcher.php into action, and found your notes very helpful to get everything working.
As mentioned, I did need to make a few tweaks to the php to get email notifications working (went with the local argument passing method, rather than globalizing $email), and an additional regex in the $array_action_checks[] array to suit the particular APC segfault error we were seeing in the logs.
However, the main thing I added that I thought might be of value was a Debian-style init.d script, based on the standard 'skeleton' and stealing all the functionality from your, above. Here's the code:
set -e
# Gracefully exit if the package has been removed.
test -r $DAEMON || exit 0
case "$1" in
echo -n "Starting $DESC: $NAME"
if [ -r $PID_FILE ]
kill `cat $PID_FILE`
rm -f $PID_FILE
nohup php $SCRIPT $EMAIL > /dev/null &
echo $PID > $PID_FILE
echo "."
echo -n "Stopping $DESC: $NAME"
if [ -r $PID_FILE ]
kill `cat $PID_FILE`
rm -f $PID_FILE
echo "."
echo -n "Restarting $DESC: $NAME"
if [ -r $PID_FILE ]
kill `cat $PID_FILE`
rm -f $PID_FILE
nohup php $SCRIPT $EMAIL > /dev/null &
echo $PID > $PID_FILE
echo "."
echo "Usage: $SCRIPTNAME {start|stop|restart|force-reload}" >&2
exit 1
exit 0
Drop this into /etc/init.d/logwatcher, chmod +x, and run 'update-rc.d logwatcher defaults' to enable this on your next boot. Then run /etc/init.d/logwatcher to start it up without booting :)