Drupal 5.1 backport of watchdog hook for custom logging and alerts via module

Khalid worked on a backport of the Drupal 6 watchdog hook for custom logging and alerts for Drupal 5.1

This way, Drupal 5.1 users can benefit from custom alerts, and reduce the database load on large site caused by excessive inserts to the watchdog table.

The patch is now available for download from issue #149341.

New module: Buddylist auto add

Recently a client wanted all users to have a default user added to their buddy list.

The way they described it was "like Tom is added to MySpace users".

So, searching the issue queue revealed that this is an often asked for feature, but no out of the box solution existed.

Rather than make it into a feature for the base buddy list module, I chose to make it a contributed module, buddylistautoadd, that will be part of the tarball, but has to be explicitly enabled.

Drupal 6: new hook_watchdog for logging and alerts

A week ago, I proposed a new hook_watchdog, so modules can decide where to send Drupal events, and not be limited to the watchdog table.

As of today, this patch is in core, and there is already two modules that use it, syslog, which is in core, and emaillog, which is part of the logging and alerts project.

This patch opens the door to many neat things, such as:

  • Making Drupal more suitable for the enterprise, since it could be integrated better into their monitoring and network management infrastructure.
  • Allows site admins to be notified of important events. This applies equally to large and small sites.
  • Helps scalability by not logging to the database, thus relieving the load.
  • Conforms to RFC 3164 for severity levels.
  • Allows integration with many more delivery channels such as SMS, Instant Messaging, ...etc.

Flag content version 2.x: Flag nodes, comments, and users

Version 2.x of the flag content module has been released for Drupal 4.7.x and Drupal 5.x.

This release has new useful features, such as:

  • The ability to flag selected node types, as well as comments and users.
  • Allows anonymous users to flag items, if the site admin allows it.
  • The flagging user is displayed next to each item when the admin reviews the list of flagged items.


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