Informative articles on various technologies ...

Examples on setting up syslog for Drupal

Now that the new watchdog hook is in Drupal core, and slated for release with Drupal 6, we can do some neat tricks in syslog to route Drupal event messages.

This article details some examples on how syslog can be used with Drupal.

Under UNIX like systems, the configuration for syslog should be in /etc/syslog.conf. By editing this file and adding the appropriate entries, we can control how Drupal messages are routed.

logwatcher: restart Apache after a segmentation fault

In a previous article, I stressed a common problem with all PHP op-code caches/accelerators: they die with segmentation faults every once in a while.

To get around this problem, here is a script that would restart Apache when a segmentation fault is detected.

This script was written by Firebright Inc., with a few modifications, such as sending an email notice.

Here is the logwatcher.php script:

MySQL my.cnf configuration for a large Drupal site

For a large web site with hundreds of thousands of page views per day, it is important to increase certain parameters, such as the query cache, join buffers, key buffer, ..etc.

The following my.cnf file is from an Ubuntu server (Debian derived) with dual CPUs, and 2 GB of RAM. It assumes that you are using MyISAM tables only and not InnoDB.

Depending on what modules you have, you may need to adjust some of those parameters, but this is definitely a good start.

Presentation: Building Drupal sites using CCK, Views and Panels

Here is the presentation that was given Tuesday March 13, 2007 to the Drupal User Group in Toronto.

As per the title, it discusses the tool set consisting of CCK, Views and Panels, and how they allow custom web site development with little or no coding required.

Be sure to check the Links and Resources section at the end for more reading.

Drupal core caching and contributed content caching modules

As a site grows, the overhead of executing so many queries per page against the database starts to add up.

This is where caching can benefit a high traffic site.

Drupal core caching

Caching stores "elements" in a cache table in the database, so the data can be retrieved by a single query, rather that constructing the page from individual elements.

Drupal's core cache has two parts, stuff that gets caches no matter what, and stuff that is optional via an administrator defined settings.


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