A new release of the userpoints module for Drupal has been released.

Feature highlights include the following.

  • A new transaction system that is in effect an audit trail.
  • A moderation system allowing the admin to review and approve/decline points that are earned by users. This is helpful in preventing abuse.
  • Administrator defined points. An admin can decide to grant points to a certain user.
  • A new API and hook system for module developers. Modules can add their own settings to userpoints module, as well as act on points being gained/lost.
  • Modular design separating the parts in serveral modules: userpoints.module handles the API as well as the transaction system and moderation. userpoints_basic.module handles the most common actions, and userpoints_ecommerce.modile handles points for purchases, as well as using points as a payments method.

With this new design, module developer can extend their modules in new and exciting ways.

Download Userpoints 2.0 for Drupal 4.7 from this release page.


Tue, 2007/01/16 - 22:34

Great! Looks very promising. The audit log and admin defined points are exactly what I am looking for my 5.0 site. Any plan on porting it to 5.0? thanks!

Tue, 2007/01/16 - 22:41

Of course, the ultimate goal is to have this ported to 5.0 as a 2.0 version.

However, the typical answer to the "when" question is that it will have to wait until either:

  • Someone submits a patch, or
  • We have free time to do the port, or
  • A client sponsors the porting effort.

2bits -- Drupal and Backdrop CMS consulting

Wed, 2007/01/17 - 11:24

Hi 2bits,

Congratulations on 2.0. I really do appreciate your work, the module is fantastic.

- Jack

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